San Francisco & Marin Counties - Habitat Restoration Projects & Resources

This page updated April 6, 2005

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California Native Plant Society (CNPS) - Yerba Buena Chapter (San Francisco)
Includes links to many San Francisco Habitat Restoration Projects; also field trips, gardening with natives, presentations & more

California Native Plant Society (CNPS) - Marin County Chapter
Habitat Restoration Projects; also field trips, gardening with natives, presentations & more

Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA)
GGNRA Fort Funston Green Team. Contact Mary Petrilli 415-561 HINT.
GGNRA Habitat Restoration Team: Each Sunday at various locations, 9:30 am to 2 pm with lunch break. Contact Habitat Hotline (415) 561-4848 or(415) 561-3034 x3444.
GGNRA Marin Headlands Native Plant Nursery: Every Wednesday and Saturday 9 to noon. Contact 415-332-5193.
GGNRA Presidio Park Stewards Every Wednesday and Saturday 9 to noon. Contact 415-561-3034 X 3444
GGNRA Site Stewardship Program: Includes Milagra Ridge, Oakwood Valley, and Wolfback Ridge. Every Thursday and Saturday. (415) 561-3034 ext-3430.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO HABITAT RESTORATION PROJECTS - Visit the CNPS Yerba Buena Chapter link shown above. If there are projects ongoing in SF that are not listed on the CNPS page, please let us know so we can include them here. Thank you!

San Francisco - Edgehill Mountain

Pt. Reyes National Seashore
Habitat Restoration all year.

The Salmon Protection and Watershed Network (SPAWN)
Forest Knolls, CA
"To protect the endangered coho salmon, steelhead and creeks that pulse through the Lagunitas watershed through community education, hands on restoration projects, and monitoring. SPAWN conducts creek walks to view spawning coho, sponsors educational forums, publishes A Creek Runs Through Us newsletter, and provides timely material to media."

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Native Habitats, 17287 Skyline Blvd - PMB 102, Woodside, CA 94062-3780, U.S.A.